Thursday, November 26, 2009

Race #50 - Flemington Turkey Trot - 29:48

Today I completed my goal of running 50 races in my 50th year. When I contemplated running 50 races when I turned 50, I knew I needed the support of my family and friends. I immediately got both so it was just a matter of lining up all the races. It was a special finish to have all my family with me as well as my nephew Andrew, his girlfriend Kate and my neighbor Ken White. This journey started on a very cold January 1st New year's eve with Brad Hunt, Jackie Barnes and her sister. There were many fun races along the way as well as some nice destinations. I met many new friends and hooked up with lots of old ones.

The Flemington Turkey Trot has become one of the largest races in the state. There were over 3400 finishers today on what turned out to be a beautiful day for a run. Ro was walking the course and I was planning on running with Leigh, Bob and Michael. They were planning on running under thirty 30 minutes, so I was going to pace them. Unfortunately we all got lost at the start but I found the boys on the course and ran with them. Leigh and Ro were towards the back so they got stuck in the pack and couldn't work their way up towards us..

Bobby sprinted towards the finish and finished in 29:36 while Michaela and I finished in 29:43. My nephew Andrew ran a 27:40 which was very good time for him. We all met at the green where the food and refreshments were given out after the race. There I met up with Ken White, Mark and Rosemarie Strawn.

I have met a lot of great people this year and it has been a blast running almost every weekend although I was getting a bit tired the last few weeks.

I have a lot to be thankful for on this Thanksgivng day, especially being married to my wife Ro who allows me to do these crazy things. We will be married 25 years in February and I have been running long before I met her. Maybe after my anniversary in February, I will do a 25@25 but it won't be races and hopefully it will be mor than 25.

I thank everyone who joined me as well as everyone who has made a donation. Although I reached 50, I still have about 4 more races to run, including the Charlotte Marathon in December. I am also running tomorrow in Freehold.

I won't be running 50 races next year, but I still hope to have people join me at the races. Please consider getting out there.

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