I wasn't planning on running today but when I heard the forecast, and my office was closed I
decided to go out and play for a little bit. I called John Liptak to see if would join me. As it turned out, his office was also closed so out we went into the snow at 10:30am.
Running in this type of weather reminds me of my childhood. The minute we saw snow on the streets of Brooklyn, we headed out to play so today was no different.
The last storm on Saturday we tried to run to Beech Woods Park but we both slipped so we turned around not wanting to kill ourselves. We were determined to get there today. The footing was much better so off we went. While in the park I suggested to John that we head into the woods which I knew was going to be tough because of the 8 inches of snow on the trails.
One loop around the park and then into the woods. It was extremely peaceful, but tough to move. It was sought of like running on the beach but having to high step our way through.
After about 15 minutes in the park we headed to our respective homes. It was a slow pace but extremely enjoyable and we got six miles in. I feel sorry for the folks who decided to stay inside to today, it was a beautiful day to run.